Monday, November 8, 2010

Battle of Agincourt( Journal Entries by The Constable of France)

Thursday 24th, October 1415
                                     We’re now one day away from one of the most untroublesome battles I have ever had to face. I know that with my army, our knowledge, and our strength the English will have no chance for a victory. Our weapons are ready, our horses seem quick enough to outpace any other one that lives out there, and especially our minds are ready to face anything. The English probably right now only have their minds on food, and not what is going to happen beginning tomorrow morning. This is no way to begin a battle, when your numbers are low. If I were in there position I would just surrender before lives our lost and shame is brought upon.

Friday 25th, October 1415 (sunrise)
                                     Well the day has arrived, the day we show the power of France and shame the English of their indenile decisions. Last night I had a dream where the French were victorious. In the dream our armies had defeated the English army only in a matter of hours. The English King you could see had made a mistake, his army was devastated. Most of his soldiers were incapacitated, and the number of casualties outnumbered, the soldiers that were still alive. This dream today will become reality and today with our strength we will be victorious. I will assure that with all the power I have and with the help of my fellow noblemen and military leaders, our triumph will be heard all over these lands.

Friday  25th, October 1415 (morning)
                                     We are now awaiting now to annihilate the English and their incompetent army. The Dauphin is ready and has mounted his horse; my soldiers seem prepared to take on anything. I know I am prepared and the other military leaders seem to as well. Wait I now see a messenger coming and it looks like he has news .The time has come he has just informed me that the English army is in the field. Its time to fight for my country and prove victorious so shame will not be brought upon us all. To victory us all and to show England who indeed is the dominant country in this world.

Friday25th October 1415 (battlefield)
                                     We are now minutes away from the beginning of the end for the English. I have sent King Henry many messages to surrender but him and his incompetence have made him reject this peaceful offering,  If he wants a battle we will give him a battle. I see his troops marching right now and my soldiers are ready to attack. The English troops are advancing quickly and their numbers look puny and worthless. I now send the order to my troops go advance and achieve victory for the French! 

Friday 25th October 1415( afternoon)
                                     I and the other noblemen have seen something which not even our own nightmares can overcome. We may indeed the French one of the most dominant countries, lose to the English. What I had envisioned for this battle has not come true and all my soldiers have lost their ranks. We are losing numbers quickly and I don’t see how were losing. This was never planned and supposed to happen, how such a large powerful army could lose to such small numbers. I don’t understand right now and feel as if the world is over because; I have failed my country and my soldiers. Well I now have to go and see if there still a possibility of victory, for my country.

Saturday 26th October 1415
                                     I now as constable am ashamed and feel that everything I wanted for my country has been lost. As constable I wasn’t supposed to let this happen, I don’t get it victory for the French was inevitable. Now over ten thousand of my soldiers are dead and my great military leaders Orleans, Bourbon, and Alencon. The French known as one of the greatest countries in the world has lost to the mindless English. They have only lost twenty five of their men and we lost so many, this is a sad fay for the French. One day I assure you that we will avenge ourselves and make sure that the French army is restored back to its rightful place as the greatest army in the world.

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